Sunday 11 April 2010

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product ?
After watching both the preliminary task 'Out' and the final opening sequence of 'A Twisted Obsession' I feel I have learnt best how to edit to a good standard in After Affects after not knowing the programme before i started the preliminary task.

For the preliminary task we only cut the shots to run a bit smoother and added a main title and our names at the end. We used the 'add titles' function in Premier Pro which had a very unprofessional and dull outcome as we could only change the font, colour and fade. Whereas, for the final task I used After Affects which allowed me to add interesting backgrounds and tranisitions to the titles.
I also could change the position, scale, rotation and opactity to what we wanted making the whole production feel more edited to suit us which was better to work with as it wasn't restricting.

Creating the production logo was exciting as we could experiment with the transitions and various affects on After Affects making the sequence more engaging. Editing the shots with fades and making the music suit the action at each point added to the atmosphere we wanted resulting in an overall better product.

Furthermore, the camerawork improved alot as we had become more familiar with the processes and functions of the video camera. Using equipment like the tripod and wheeled tripod etc. made it easier to achieve steady footage leading to a more professional sequence.

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